The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting
We’ve all heard this term at least once, but what does it really mean and why is it so bad?
Just like the child’s toy, you are hanging on by a string when you are dieting. You start diets with good intentions, “this time I’m sticking to it!”
Then life happens and we start to cheat, just a little. Eventually that turns into going completely off the diet and feeling like a failure, again.
Maybe you’ve lost a little weight. Maybe you’ve lost a lot of weight. But what happens when you go completely off the diet??
Those old habits return and along with it the weight you worked so hard to lose. That regained weight also brings along its cousins: cancer, heart disease, and diabetes (along with other health risks)!
Here are some of the top health risks associated with yo-yo dieting and why you should be concerned.
– Less lean muscle
Repeated dieting lowers your lean muscle mass because your body starts burning muscle to fuel itself and also stores more body fat in an attempt to protect you.
– Lowered energy
Repeated dieting also messes with your metabolism, causing it to slow down. This slows down digestion and causes us to feel slow and sluggish.
– High blood pressure
Leads to blood clots, strokes, and possible death
– Diabetes
Leads to heart disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, foot damage.
– Heart Disease
Leads to chest pain, possible cardiac arrest, heart attack, and death
– Cancer
By continuing the yo-yo diet cycle you are shortening your life with each new fad.
This yo-yo dieting and weight cycling is far worse for you than if you had stayed at a “higher weight” and never dieted.
Put an end to yo-yo dieting forever and take back your health and your life!